Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


jennyr said...

hahaha! u could add some captions in there too...very cool!

Lindsay said...

THAT is soooo funny!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Too funny! :) Very cool. :)

Thanks for visiting!

Kate Johnson said...

There really ought to be a caption competition for that.

LZ said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! That is such a great picture!!


Celeste said...

Greta eye shot! I posted on my cat too.

Denise Patrick said...

Very cute. With your talent, you should have written a great caption for that.

Donna. W said...

A person could write a story about this!

Anonymous said...

very cute! Thats a big kitty cat!

Sandee said...

One false move buddy and your a.. is mine. Got it?

You wouldn't really hurt me would you?

Great shot! Usually don't get a lot of expressions from cats, and rarely both cats at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Too too funny!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I love the look on gray kitty's face. But then he should be wise to the fact that you never, ever, under any circumstances, turn your back on another cat sporting a little black Hitler stache. Never!

Happy WW!