Thirteen Things Things On My To-Do List
1. Write, write, write! This is just about always the #1 thing I have to do, am behind on, am stressing over, etc. The glamorous life of an author, doncha know.
2. Train the laundry. (A joke between myself and Laura Hamby--we've both shown the laundry how the washing machine and dryer works, and how folding happens, so very many times, and the stupid laundry STILL can't seem to remember and do itself...)
3. Clean the house. Argh. What's this about authors being rich and having maids and personal assistants and stuff? I wish. I hate cleaning, and have often said that all I really want out of life is a maid.
4. Check on the chickens and make sure they all have food and water, then gather the eggs later this afternoon. (If you want to see the fascinating chickens, have a peek at my other blog on myspace.) I'm such a geek, but I actually like them! When I was in my teens and my parents kept chickens, they drove me absolutely batshit crazy with their crowing. Now I sorta like it... does this mean I'm getting old?
5. Spend some quality time with the spoiled Elias pets, Simi and Pharaoh. They get cranky if they're not fawned over frequently.
6. Clean off my desk. (Yeah, like that's gonna happen--I once had a sign that said "A clean desk is the sign of a disturbed mind." Only it got lost under the clutter.)
7. Find some wrapping paper to wrap my future sister-in-law's birthday present. Her actual birthday was on the 19th, but I wasn't done crochetting this until yesterday.
8. Make hummus. I cooked garbanzos last night, and the left-overs always turn into hummus. It's yummy.
9. Mail a package to Australia. Can't tell you why, cuz the recipient might read this blog...
10. Find all the movies I've got rented and send 'em back. I've had these far too long, but can't find the stupid things... this might be filed under "clean the house" and "clean off the desk," actually.
11. Play with the baby chicks. I saved some stale bread and I'm going to try to get them to eat out of my hand. The big chickens will, sometimes, but they tend to pinch me!
12. Waste time on myspace, my blog, eHarlequin, email, IM, etc...
13. Do the Thursday Thirteen... well, at least I can check one thing off my list!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
This looks like my to do list...well except for the chickens that is.
I want a maid too. And a cook. lol. I often pick at my husband and tell him he would make a much better wife than I do. He doesn't mind doing the dishes. :)
Writing is always at the top of my list, but I tend to push it aside if my kids need me. I'd kill for a maid, and I'm lucky my husband cooks. :)
aaaaaaahahahahaha All I want out of life is a maid.
Ugh. I could use one today. The cats got a hold of a paper towel roll upstairs and I'm sorry, but running amok on TT takes precedence over picking that up.
Chickens? That's too cool. I need to edit. Sigh.
Writing and a the time to do it. Yep. I agree. I could even live without the maid if I had to.
If there is even the most remote possibility laundry can be trained, then I'm game to try it. LOL
I need some of those laundry training instructions. ;)
Thats quite a list! They are never ending!!
Train the laundry. lol That's too funny. :-D
Good list. It's almost exactly like my mental to do list, except for the chickens. I live in the suburbs, so no chickens, but my folks moved out to the country and their neighbors have chickens who come visit every day. They're the cutest! LOL.
Don't "clean the desk" and "do the laundry" always seem near the top of the list?
Your desk sounds like mine.
And putting the Thurs 13 on your Thurs 13 is cheating!
I sooooo want a maid! Your list reminds me of mine - and yeah what's with the laundry? It needs to be trained pronto! It's not like it doesn't see how it works all the time...
Your world sounds nice, I so miss having laying hens, they were fun to have.
My TT is up. :)
I how I would love to be able to train the laundry. I currently have FOUR loads waiting to be folded. Bleck.
Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog.
Hmmm, I'm sensing some diversions from the first thing on your list - write, write, write...I recognize the symptons.
Great list go play with the chicks and the kitties, those sounded like fun :-)
Yep. Writing is in my list today too. Along with buy a new bathroom sink and paint and tiles.
I personally am trying to make "clean the house" fun this weekend with some hard core spring cleaning. Open the windows, blast some music and CLEAN!
I guess we'll have to see if it works.
Baby chicks? Ohhhh. I grew up on a farm and my mom kept chickens. I use to love going in the "baby chick" barn with the round cardboard pen and the heat lamp.
Wish that was on my "to-do-list"!
LOL! The closest I can get to playing with the chickens is to visit my daughter's class. They just incubated and hatched ten of them :)
Awesome list and blog! Your books sound great. Thanks for visiting my TT!
It always makes me feel so much better to read other people's To Do list ;-)
I can't click on that link unless you have some kind of exotic footless chickens. Sorry. :)
No footless ones, Shannon, but I do have a beakless one-- --called, of course, No-Face. He survived a fox attack about a year ago, but got his beak bitten off. Seems to do fine without it, though!
Great to-do list!
Thanks for stopping by to visit my first TT!
No chickens but have most of the other things to do.
I hate housework!
I'm impressed. That's quite a to-do-list. I'm so unorganized at the moment I don't even have a list.
Waah, my mother came home at lunch and gave the chickens the bread I'd saved for them! Now I'll have to find something else to hand-feed the babies. Sniffle. Maybe I've got some frozen broccoli they'd peck at while I held it?
Maybe laundry is really the thing that holds the universe together.
Gravity schmavity.
I totally relate to #6. I was going to do a TT and list all the cluttery things on my desk, but the theme would carry over for at least 3 weeks!
I love chickens! :)
OMG! I don't even want to THINK about my "to do" list! Because, no matter how much I work on it, I never get even half of it done! *sigh* The life of a writer... At least deadlines make great excuses....
I need a maid. And I need to do all the things on your list, minus the chickens of course. We have a parakeet and one hamster left, there were more.
Great list!
Thanks for coming by my blog :) I love my typing gloves, they've saved my wrists.
My laundry has a learning disability as well! Nice list!
Hummus from scratch? I'm impressed!
I always need to clean!
Happy TT!
I used to have chickens. Not a lot, maybe 100 at most. It was fun to play with the chicks. I have a few geese right now and two are sitting. Snakes and other wild animals always manage to steal the eggs, but I'm hoping maybe this time we'll get some babies.
Laundry and house cleaning are both such time consuming chores that my husband and I argued over time and again until we decided to get a cleaning lady to come in once a week to help us.
Totally love the fact that you have chickens and baby chicks!
Thanks for visiting my site. I'm glad we've discovered one another through TT - it's so cool isn't it?
Have a great weekend.
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